What is encryption and how does it work??

If you are talking about encryption, is a method used to send secret messages. Encryption has a long history, began when the people of Greece and Rome were sending secret messages. If you want to know more, you're encrypting could follow the explanation of WinPoin in #WinExplain article here.

WinPoin will explain a brief history about the notions of encryption and how and what types of encryption. This discussion will surely make you interested, let alone for you who like to keep a secret.

A Brief History Of Encryption

Ancient Greece people using a tool called a Scytale to help encrypt their messages to be sent. This method is faster than using the. They will wrap around a cylinder with a paper, write a message and send it.

This encryption method is very easy to be solved, not surprising since this is the first in the world of encryption that is used in the real world.

Julius Caesar using methods that are somewhat similar to this, shifting each letter of the alphabet to the right or to the left and numbers based on position. This encryption is employed, also known as the Caesar cipher. For example you can see cipher below, when want write WINPOIN then it is written ZLQSRLQ.


Only the message recipient has the cipher will know maksut these messages, it will be difficult for the next person to decode the message.

Examples of other simple encryption cipher is a polyalphabetic cipher uses the Polybius square is inscribed on each side of alfabetnya figures.

By using the engkripsi method above, if you want to write WINPOIN, meaning enrkipsinya is a 15 34 52 12 53 34 52.

Enigma Machine
What is encryption and how does it work??

You've watch Imitation Game?? You certainly already know about the Enigma machine. During World War II, Germany used the Enigma machine to get away from encrypting transmissions back and forth, it took years before Poland was able to decipher the message, and deliver solutions to the allies. Make them victorious from the war of the world.

History of Encryption in the Modern Era

Today people don't have good encryption method to secure communication in the world of electronics.

Lucifer was the name given by some people block ciphers as early, developed by Horst Feistel with friends at IBM.

Data Encryption Standard (DES) is a block cipher (a form of shared secret encryption) was chosen by the National Bureau of Standards as a Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) in America in 1976, which was then widely used and known worldwide.

Concerns about security and the development of the slow operation of DES to make software researchers are motivated to propose a variety of alternative block cipher designs from, appeared in the late 1980s and early 1990s. There are for example RC5, Blowfish, IDEA, NewDES, SAFER, CAST5 and FEAL.

Rijndael encryption algorithm used by the American Government as the standard sysmmetric-key encryption, or Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). AES was announced by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) as U.S. FIPS PUB 197 (FIPS 197) on November 26, 2001 after a 5-year standardization process in which there are 15 block cipher designs competing for elected a suitable encryption algorithm.

Algorithms for Encryption Strength Is

Many encryption algorithms are well known and they all have different functions. They have two characteristics that identify and distinguish between the encryption algorithm with one another is the ability to protect data from attacks and the speed and efficiency in performing the encryption.

For example an understandable is the difference in speed between different types of encryption, you can use the benchmarking tool that is in TrueCrypt's volume creation wizard. As you can see, AES so far is the fastest and strongest encryption type.

What is encryption and how does it work??

There are encryption methods are fast and slow, and they all have different functions. If you want to try to decrypt the data is small, you can use strong encryption or even do the Encrypting twice with different types of encryption. If you need something quickly, you can use AES.

For comparison or benchmark encryption type, you can see the Washington University of St. Louis, where you can perform a variety of tests on different routines and have a very geek explanations.

The types of Encryption in the Modern Era

All the encryption algorithms we've discussed earlier most of the uses two types of encryption, namely:
  • Symmetric key algorithms using an encryption key that is related or identical for encryption and decryption.
  • Asymmetric key algorithms use different keys for encryption and decryption. This is usually referred to as Public-key Cryptography.

Symmetric key encryption
To explain the concept of encryption, we will use a bit of explanation from Wikipedia to understand how Symmetric algorithm.

Alice put a secret message in a box, and locks the box using a padlock and he has the key. Then he sent me a box to Bob through regular mail. When Bob receives the box, he used the exact same copy of the key that Alice had to open the box and read the message. Bob can then use the same padlock to membalasa secret message.

From that example, sysmmetric-key algorithms can be divided into stream ciphers and block ciphers. Stream ciphers encrypt the bits one by one from the message, and the block cipher took a few bits, typically 64 bit and encrypt them into one piece. There are many different algorithms than symmetric including Twofish, Serpent, AES (Rijndael), Blowfish, CAST5, RC4, TDES, and IDEA.

Asymmetric key encryption

On a method of asymmetric key, Bob and Alice have a padlock are different, not one padlock with a few key symmetrick key like the example above. Of course, this example is simpler than it should be, but the truth is far more complicated.

The first Alice asks Bob to send an open padlock through regular mail, so he did not share the key. When Alice receives it, he uses it to lock down a town containing the message and send a box with a padlock was locked earlier to Bob. Bob then opens the box with key lock therefore he held hers for reading the message Alice. To respond, Alice must ask Bob to do the same thing.

The advantage of the method of asymmetric key is Bob and Alice never share their keys. This is to prevent a third party from copying the key or spying on Alice and Bob's messages. In addition, if Bob is sloppy and allowing others to copy the key, the message Alice to Bob would be disrupted, but Alice's message to others will remain a secret, because others will give their own padlock to Alice to use.

Encryption using asymmetric keys is different for encryption and decryption. The message recipient has the private key and a public key. The public key is given to the sender of a message and they use the public key to encrypt the message. The recipient uses the private key to open the message enrkipsi that have been encrypted using the public key of the recipient.

There is one advantage to doing encryption using this method. We do not need to send anything secret (like our encryption key or password) through an insecure channel. The public key you will leihat into the world and that's no secret. The secret key you will remain safely on your computer, where it belongs.

How Security Encryption in Web Field??

Over the years, the SSL Protocol (Secure Sockets Layer) has secured web transactions using encryption between web browsers and web servers, protect you from anyone who's stalking you.

SSL itself has a simple concept. Begins when the browser requests a secure page (usually https://).

The Web server sends its public key certificate.

The browser checks the certificate issued by a trusted party (usually CA), that the certificate is still valid and the certificate is still related to the web.

The browser then uses the public key to encrypt a random symmetric key and sends it to the server with the URL terkenkripsi, requires also the http data encryption.

The Web server decrypts encryption of the symmetric key using the private key and use the key sysmmetric to decrypt the URL and http data.

The Web server sends back a request html document and http data encrypted with the browser's symmetric key. The browser decrypts the http data and html document mengg unakan symmetric key and displays the information.

What is encryption and how does it work??

Need a long understanding to know about encryption and a bit of how it works. Starting from the early understanding of encryption in Greece and Roman eras, the appearance of Lucifer and now uses SSL encryption of asymmetric and symmetric to secure you from any transaction.

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