How to List Azure via Dreamspark

There are who do not know Microsoft Azure (formerly Windows Azure)? Perhaps the articles here can explain the details. Azure cloud computing service itself is owned by Microsoft. Maybe if I compare the main competitors, namely AWS or Amazon Web Services.

Get own azure account known difficult for users in Indonesia, because when the registration we need to include credit cards. But fortunately most recently microsoft give leeway, especially for users of dreamspark. Yes, students can now register to the service azure for free without a credit card.

Make sure you have the previous Dreamspark account. Now I will show how to register account azure via dreamspark, among others, as follows:
  1. Verify login into dreamspark account is yours. Then go to this page.
  2. Click the register button to sign up for a green account new azure.

    How to List Azure via Dreamspark
  3. The next Page will be redirected to sign in. Your password must have input. After that it will appear a page that contains the registration form registration of azure.

    How to List Azure via Dreamspark
  4. Enter a valid phone number, because it is used for verification. Click on the button "send text message" green to send a verification code to the device selularmu. If you've received, input the code and verifiy code. If the code is correct, then the button "sign up" will be at a click.
  5. Wait for the sign up process. When it is finished, then the page will be redirected to a page account azure yours like the image below.

    How to List Azure via Dreamspark
  6. Click the blue portal, to start using azure benefit you have. Yes, simple and easy isn't it?

With azure, you can send a push notification, create sites, backend web services and others. With azure, you can also practice the direct experience in application development using ASP.Net. In addition to ASP.Net, Azure provides Node. JS, PHP and others. Lastly, Good Work!

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